Page 29 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 29

Technical Evidence
Evidence based around:
• Tiered evidence to support the removal of the site from the Green Belt – “very special circumstances” that do NOT rely solely on housing need. Indeed, housing need is a “make weight” – significant, but in the context that this is shared with all competing sites
• Strategy emphasises that ONLY Hopwell can deliver:
• East Midlands first “carbon-negative” mixed-use development
• “better than compliant” policy response
• Significant contribution to regional and national objectives to electrify the vehicle fleet
• Integrated with existing settlements to achieve better than compliant sustainability objectives
Planning evidence would comprise strategy papers, with worked examples, outline business cases, baseline assessments and trip forecasts and deliverability evidence – especially considering phasing over time.

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