Page 31 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 31

Technical Evidence
    Environmental aspects
Evidence based around:
• A holistic strategy that considers the environmental aspects together, to maximise benefits, achieve cumulative responses where possible and achieve “better than compliance” outcomes by using land resource as efficiently as possible
• Bringing together all of the green infrastructure issues together – ecology, biodiversity, open space, human interaction, heritage and archaeology, drainage and SUDS and so on
• Instead of these elements being treated separately, they are combined to be planned and approached as a core asset base for the development. The intention is to layer benefits to achieve a “better than compliance” approach.
• For example – a SUDS feature is designed to hold some water at all times, providing for water management, biodiversity net gain and planned ecology, a heat source for GSHP and an amenity for local people in one land use.
• Technical evidence would comprise strategy papers, baseline assessments across ecology, hydrology, ground conditions, land quality, landscape, visual impact etc.

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