Page 32 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 32
Technical Evidence
Energy strategy
Evidence based around:
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Adopt the principle to “Stop Burning Stuff”, the site will not use any combustion processes to generate energy.
Non-combustion energy will be by solar, small scale wind and agreements with providers for larger scale non-combustion generation off-site.
Space heating to be via ASHP or GSHP – ideally GSHP with large scale, communal borehole arrays established in open areas.
Link air quality assessment to energy assessment – “Stop Burning Stuff” ethos removes any AQ impact – and if extended, as far as possible, to Ockbrook and Borrowash (make the GS borehole arrays available to existing communities for them to convert to GSHP where possible) achieves “better than compliance” approach.
Technical evidence would comprise an energy strategy paper setting out the principles of energy provision on the site, with a review of likely demands and how these would be met.