Page 102 - demo
P. 102
Make your way to the M25, the great ring road that encircles the city, and head west to
Intersection 12 with the M3.
From Central London and Heathrow
Coming from somewhere near central London, find the A4 before merging on to the M4 following a
gantry sign to “The WEST / Heathrow / Staines / Hounslow”.
You might also be on the M4 if you are coming from the Heathrow area.
Watch your speed – speed cameras at work on the M4.
Leave the M4 at Junction 4B. As you approach the junction get into the left hand lane for an easy
transition on to the M25 s/posted “M25 (S) / (M3. M23) / Heathrow / (Terminal 5) / Gatwick”. Stay
in the left hand lane. You’ll see signs painted on the road surface saying “M25 South”.
Merge on to the M25.
Coming from the south and east
If you are approaching Junction 12 on the M25 from the south and east you’ll cross under a
prominent railway overbridge. Get into the left hand lane ready to leave the M25.
Take the exit lane left following signs “Basingstoke / Southampton / M3”.
Once you have left the M25, shift into the left hand lane ready to merge on to the M3 s/posted
“Basingstoke / Southampton / M3”.
0.0 51.0749,-1.2926 On the M3 at the junction with M25.
Remain on the M3 and pass through Camberley and Basingstoke.
42.9 mi 51.0749, -1.2926. At Junction 9 take the exit s/posted “Winchester / A272”.
0.2 mi Take the 3rd Exit following signs to “Winchester / Petersfield / A272”. Watch for the traffic
lights at the entry and exit points to and from the roundabout. At the exit road the only sign is
“Winnall Trading Estate”. The turn takes you on to Easton Lane
Go through 1 roundabout following signs to “City Centre”.
0.8 mi Continue on to Wales St.
0.3 mi 51.0642,-1.3072 Bear r. on to Durngate Pl and cross a bridge over the River Itchen.
Continue on to North Walls.
Navigation checkpoint: After crossing the bridge you should pass the Willow Tree Hotel on your
Take the next l. into Union St, the B3330. It’s a hard left turn at a Give Way. The City of
Winchester Fire Station will be over to your r. at that turn.
Continue on to Eastgate St the B3330.
Navigation checkpoint: El Sabio Bar and Restaurant and the bright blue house alongside it will
be on your l.