Page 198 - demo
P. 198
From the Sandringham Estate make your way back to the A149 and continue towards Kings Lynn.
7.0 mi 52.736, 0.4182 At the r/bout on the southern edge of Kings Lynn, take the 4th exit s/p
“Wisbech A47 (W)” .
33.6 mi 52.5993, -0.2583 Follow signs to “Wisbech (A47)”, then follow the A47 around the
northern edge of Peterborough. At Junction 18 take the exit s/p “City Centre / Marholm
Cremator’m” and at the r/bout take the 1st exit s/p “City Centre” on to Bourges Blvd. Follow
Bourges Blvd to the city centre and Peterborough Cathedral.
As you approach the cathedral there are several carparks signposted.
2.1 mi 52.5737, -0.2475 PETERBOROUGH
For more on Peterborough click here. . .