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Hambledon Vineyard. The oldest commercial vineyard in England. It comes as a surprise to
many that there are winemakers in Britain. Hambledon is planted with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and
Pinot Meunier vines for quality sparkling wine production. You can buy the wine at the cellar door.
Brighton to Petworth
Petworth The mediaeval town has quaint narrow lanes and streets around its marketplace which
has been the centrepoint of the town since the 15th century. It has an international reputation as
an antiques centre with over 30 antique shops, many of them highly specialised.
To get a sense of what life in Petworth was like 100 years ago, visit Petworth Cottage Museum at
346 High Street. This small cottage has been refurbished to look just as it did in 1910 where Mrs
Cummings lived when she worked as a seamstress at Petworth House.
The main attraction, however, is Petworth House
(pictured) the vast 17th century mansion completed by
the 6th Earl of Somerset in 1696. The gardens, designed
by Capability Brown, were immortalised in paintings by
Turner, many of which hang in the house today. The
Carved Room is a masterwork by Grinling Gibbons and
the art collection includes works by Van Dyck, Reynolds and Blake.
Steyning (pronounced Stenn-ing) is a charming mediaeval village with an interesting collection of
buildings along the High St. St Andrews Church dates from the 12th century. To find it go to the
roundabout at the top of High St and take the 3rd exit on to Church St. The Steyning Information
Centre is nearby at the museum.
Walks: Climb Steyning Round Hill for a great view out over the South Downs.
A particularly fine section of the South Downs Way starts near Steyning and makes its way to
Chanctonbury Ring and Washington village.
Washington. James Bond has a connection with the village of Washington. It is here at the
fictional Shrublands health resort that Bond has his steam room encounter with Count Lippe in
The Swan Inn, in Lower Fittlleworth, is a 14th century coaching inn with a history possibly as far
back as the late 14th century. The Ancient Order of Froth Blowers (Motto: "Lubrication in
Moderation") was founded here in 1924. The guild was created "to foster the noble Art and gentle
and healthy Pastime of froth blowing amongst Gentlemen of leisure and ex-Soldiers". It attracted
an extraordinary half a million members in the 1920s and 1930s. Lager beer was ineligible, The
Swan Inn rule book stating: "it is unseemly and should be avoided always excepting by Naval
Officers visiting German Colonies." . . . Wikipedia.
Walks: Hesworth Common is recognised as a county Site of Nature Conservation Importance
with views across the River Rother floodplain valley as far as the South Downs. The young
woodland is made up of birch, beech, oak and scotch pine.
Petworth To Winchester
The South Downs form the backdrop to this section of your trip. Southdown sheep, for instance,
are known world wide. In my childhood, visiting my uncle’s farm, I quickly learned to know the
difference between a Southdown ewe and a Romney Marsh ewe, though they both came from the
south of England.