Page 75 - demo
P. 75
The New Forest
HMS Victory
Portsmouth to Brighton Route 7 on the map above
Arundel Castle
Chichester Cathedral
Fishbourne Roman Palace
Weald and Downland Museum
Leaving Brighton
Leaving Brighton for Portsmouth, Winchester or Salisbury, your first problem is to get out
of the city.
The easiest way to navigate out of town is to make your way to the seafront and take the A259
westward along the sea front.
It’s easy to follow. So long as you have the sea somewhere over to the left you are on track.
In Shoreham-by-Sea the B259 is called High St and at that point it bears away from the sea front.
At the roundabout at the top of High St, take the 2nd left s/posted “Horsham / Steyning B283” on
to Old Shoreham Rd.
Expert navigator check: Shortly after that roundabout you will pass under a railway overbridge.
At the next roundabout take the 1st left on to Steyning Rd following a sign “Steyning / Brighton /
Worthing / (A27)”.
Expert navigator check: As you leave the r/bout the Red Lion Inn should be on your right.
Now follow the navigation notes below for Petworth or Arundel / Portsmouth.
To take the road to Stenning / Petworth / Winchester
Pass under two overpasses that carry the A27 traffic and at the next large roundabout take the
first l. s/posted “Steyning / Henfield A283” onto Steyning Rd.
Now go to the road notes for the road to Steyning / Petworth / Winchester.
To take the road to Arundel / Portsmouth
Pass under an overpass that carries the A27 traffic and at the next large roundabout take the 3rd
exit s/posted “Worthing / Portsmouth A27” on to the A27.
Now go to the road notes below for the road to Portsmouth.