Page 236 - Family cookbook v30_Neat
P. 236


                                                  Paul Made the Front Page

               “One day Paul played hooky from school to go to the Hamilton County Fair. Little did he know that his picture would
               be on the front page of the newspaper the next day. They had a picture of him petting a big old fat hog and he got
               caught skipping school.” Earl Davison from 2003 interview

                                                         Earl and Paul

                                                    Playing in the Dungeon
               “Paul and Bob liked to tease me and Bill when we lived on Corey St. There was a little ledge about a foot wide by the

               cellar stairs and Paul and Bob would play games and pretend like the cellar was a dungeon. They would poke us
               with a stick or cane and make us walk out on that ledge. It was a dark, scary place because we didn’t have any electric
               lights.” Earl Davison from 2003 interview
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