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P. 150
Step 5: Wearing course
For the RoadCem constructions are two types of wearing courses used.:
- Chip and Spray
- Asphalt
The available costs for both layers are total costs including supply and process.
Soil type 1: Organic clays Soil type 2: Clay Soil type 3: Sandy clay Soil type 4: Sand
Roadtype 1: Highways $ 422,50 $ 422,50 $ 422,50 $ 422,50
Roadtype 2: Primary roads $ 422,50 $ 422,50 $ 422,50 $ 422,50
Roadtype 3: Secondary roads $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00
Roadtype 4: Rural roads $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00
Roadtype 5: Access roads $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00 $ 121,00
Table 17: Summarized construction costs step 5