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P. 148

Step 3: Applying of the RoadCem and Cement
                  The step is strongly depending if the dosages RoadCem & cement and the dimensions of the
                  pavement construction. In the following table is an example given for the calculations, based
                  on clay soil.

                  Materials (DESCRIPTION):              AMOUNT     UNIT     COSTO   COST IN MEXICAN PESOS
                  Construction Sand                       0,05040   m3              $ 285,71                                 $ 14,40
                  COST IN MEXICAN PESOS FOR Materials                                                               $ 14,40

                  Stabilization basic with roadcem      AMOUNT     UNIT     COSTO   COST IN MEXICAN PESOS
                  Bulk Grey Cement                      200,00000   KG                  $ 1,70                              $ 340,00
                  Water pipe (not potable)                0,30000   m3               $ 50,00                                $ 15,00
                  ROADCEM                                 2,00000   KG             $ 396,00                              $ 792,00
                  Crew No 27 (1.00 Oficial + 7 laborer)   0,00444  wage         $ 2.948,05                                $ 13,09
                  Grader 14-H, de 215 hp, motor CAT 3306  0,10000  hour            $ 788,87                                $ 78,89
                  Soil Compactor with drum vibratory rammers CP563C
                  Caterpillar 145-hp and 11,700 tons of operating   0,10000  hour           $ 442,42                                $ 44,24
                  weight with 2.13 m wide drum
                                                                             addition                           $ 1.283,22
                  AMOUNT                                  1,00000
                  COSTS IN MEXICAN PESOS  FOR CONSTRUCTION                                                    $ 1.283,22

                  Survey:                               AMOUNT     UNIT     COSTO   COST IN MEXICAN PESOS
                  Topography basic with equipment.                  m2
                      Lime                                0,00500  bulto             $ 29,00                                   $ 0,14
                      Bar / stakes                        0,01500  pza.                 $ 5,00                                   $ 0,08
                      electric transit Includes topographer and rodman  0,01000  hora           $ 340,89                                   $ 3,41
                                                                             addition                                   $ 3,64
                  AMOUNT                                  4,00000
                  COST IN MEXICAN PESOS for Auxiliars                                                               $ 14,56

                  TOTAL COSTS
                      Direct cost                                                                            $ 1.312,18
                      Indirect                                                 6,47%                                $ 84,90
                      Field indirect                                           4,00%                                $ 52,49
                      Subtotal                                                                               $ 1.449,56
                      Funding                                                  0,25%                                  $ 3,62
                      Subtotal                                                                               $ 1.453,19
                      Utility                                                 10,53%                             $ 153,02
                      Additional Charges                                       0,50%                                  $ 7,27
                                                         U N I T A R Y    C O S T [M3]                           $ 1.613,47
                         Table 14:     Example calculation unitary costs step 3

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