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4.2 Floods: Infrastructure versus Economics
4.2.1 Maintenance costs
The maintenance costs for the road infrastructure depending on the extent of the floods and
assumed damage percentages as described in chapter 3. In table 4.1 the total amounts of
roads are shown.
Flooded roads
Soil type Soil type Soil type Soil type
Type of road
1 2 3 4 Totals
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
Roadtype 1 Highways 3.827 0 0 0 3.827
Roadtype 2 Primary roads 139.008 4.316 0 10.602 153.926
Roadtype 3 Secondary roads 120.790 19.427 3.192 2.667 146.076
Roadtype 4 Rural roads 837.955 64.045 6.767 156.401 1.065.168
Roadtype 5 Access roads 43.802 1.686 0 11.922 57.410
Total 1.145.382 89.474 9.959 181.592 1.426.407
Table 4.1: Flooded roads based on the flood extents
Based on the damage percentages from table 3.11 the amount of roads per soil type assumed
to be damaged are determined. The results are shown in table 4.2
Assumed amount of damaged roads
Soil type Soil type Soil type Soil type
Type of road
1 2 3 4 Totals
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
Roadtype 1 Highways 383 0 0 0 383
Roadtype 2 Primary roads 20.851 647 0 1.590 23.089
Roadtype 3 Secondary roads 54.356 8.742 1.436 1.200 65.734
Roadtype 4 Rural roads 460.875 35.225 3.722 86.021 585.842
Roadtype 5 Access roads 28.471 1.096 0 7.749 37.317
Total 564.936 45.710 5.158 96.560 712.365
Table 4.2: Assumed amount of damaged roads as result of the floods from 28-06-2011
till 07-05-2012
For the period of 28-6-2011 to 07-05-2012 the traditional maintenance costs are indicated in
table 4.3 and the maintenance costs with RoadCem in table 4.4.
Maintenance costs Traditional
Type of road
Soil type 1 Soil type 2 Soil type 3 Soil type 4 Totals
Roadtype 1 Highways $ 16.542.667,47 $ 0,00 $ 0,00 $ 0,00 $ 16.542.667,47
Roadtype 2 Primary roads $ 408.161.552,46 $ 12.672.833,65 $ 0,00 $ 29.093.746,98 $ 449.928.133,09
Roadtype 3 Secondary roads $ 714.917.498,52 $ 114.982.219,09 $ 17.512.985,63 $ 14.632.560,36 $ 862.045.263,60
Roadtype 4 Rural roads $ 3.892.760.731,16 $ 297.524.164,22 $ 28.656.437,48 $ 662.316.459,09 $ 4.881.257.791,95
Roadtype 5 Access roads $ 177.112.814,86 $ 6.817.318,98 $ 0,00 $ 43.245.098,55 $ 227.175.232,39
Total $ 5.209.495.264,48 $ 431.996.535,94 $ 46.169.423,11 $ 749.287.864,98 $ 6.436.949.088,51
Table 4.3: Maintenance costs using traditional systems