Page 7 - ImmoCem-PCT-CE Geochem.pdf
P. 7


             �Immobilization (IMOB) Croatia - PAH / heavy metals / IMOB

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Kosovo - Light radioactive pollutions/ PAH/ heavy metals / Kosovo

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Ireland -Tailings / heavy metals / PAH / mineral oil Ireland

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Bulgaria - toxics Bulgaria

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Poland - Tar coal lagoon

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Czech Republic - Inorganically and organically polluted substances

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Russia - Industrial waste streams including PAH / VOC / Inorganic heavy metals

             �Immobilization (IMOB) The Netherlands -  Pyrite

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Germany - polluted substances  PAH / mineral oil / heavy metals

             �Immobilization (IMOB) China - Industrial waste streams of all types

             �Immobilization (IMOB) United Kingdom - industrial waste streams

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Mexico - highly polluted PAH / mineral oil/ heavy metals / tar lagoons

             �Immobilization (IMOB) South Africa - Highly polluted area’s inorganic and organically

             �Immobilization (IMOB) Israël - Industrial type
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