Page 28 - Real Estate_Capabilities (US) Book
P. 28
General Liability Program
Provided by Program Brokerage Corporation
access to a new General Liability product for the Highlights
Real Estate industry. While this product is not
available in New York State, California, or Canada, o All policies written on A.M.
it is available in all other 48 states.
o Apartment building with and
We will need the following documents to provide
without LRO tenants
a quote:
o Commercial real estate
• Accords
o Silent on A&B (can also
• Five year loss runs provide sub-limits)
• Completed property schedule o First dollar coverage and most
deductibles below $5,000
• Completed supplemental questionnaire
o Targeting under 1,000 units
o Pool exposures allowed (no
For more information, please contact: diving boards or slides)
o Minimum premium: $5,000
Mark Fox 516-364-7747
*Some risks are out of scope contact a
Steven Giustino 516-677-4891
PBC broker for more information
Stephanie Mulrane 212-338-2949 Real Estate Insurance Solutions 28