Page 27 - Real Estate_Capabilities (US) Book
P. 27
Umbrella / Excess
Risk Purchasing Group
Insurance Program
SHIELD will also include additional
HUB more control and direct negotiating strength with Risk Services for HUB Commercial
insurance carriers to best serve its clients Real Estate and Hospitality clients
SHIELD will provide broad umbrella coverage, per including:
location aggregates and limits up to $75,000,000, with o Fire protection impairment, hot
no shared limits for commercial real estate businesses work programs design, and
such as offices, warehouses, light industrial and retail monitoring
properties as well as limited use hotels and mixed-use
o Water damage prevention and
space. This large excess limit is only available to
clients that also have their primary general liability
o Security and protection systems
through SHEILD.
Lou Parascando
Vice President, HUB Northeast Real Estate Insurance Solutions 27