Page 337 - UUM_SPP_III_2021-2025
P. 337
Risk Impact Scale Risk Occurrence Scale
Score Generic Impact Description Score Description of Occurrence
Event or circumstance with
potentially disastrous impact 5
5 Highly likely to happen,
Extreme on business or significant Almost possibly frequently
material adverse impact on a Certain
key area
Critical event or circumstance
4 4 Will probably happen, but not
Major that can be endured with Likely a persistent issue
proper management
Significant event or
3 circumstance that can be 3
Moderate managed under normal Possible May happen occasionally
Event with consequences that
2 can be readily absorbed but 2 Not expected to happen, but
Minor requires management effort to Unlikely there is possibility
minimise the impact
Some loss but not material;
1 existing controls and 1 Very unlikely this will ever 335
Insignificant procedures should cope with Rare happen
event or circumstance