Page 21 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 21

To assist the reader, throughout this report, we use this map icon of Karingani which represents the
                         three regions of the property: northern, central and southern. This icon is used to orientate the reader
                         towards an area of the property, an event or an area of research that has taken place.

                          This report continues to include the “Karingani Compliance Icon”, which indicates to the reader where
                          our field based operations are in full compliance with internal strategy documents and programmes
                          towards our larger goals of restoration and responsible collaboration.

            During much of this reporting period Mozambique, and by association Karingani, was operating under lockdown
            restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is testament to our team that during this reporting period progress has
            been made on a number of strategic fronts whilst we continue to conclude our first nature based tourism initiative with
            Aman resorts.

            Much of our government and community communication during these unprecedented times were reliant on virtual
            meetings and the use of digital media. We would also like to thank and recognise our community partners for working
            closely with our team during this period and helping to maintain positive momentum.

            Our aim remains to be the gold standard of reporting, data collection and analysis at Karingani, focused on measuring
            and quantifying the outcomes of our efforts, consistent benchmarking for self-improvement, making a positive impact
            and creating long-term value through progression from analogue-based annual reporting to digital-based reporting
            through the OnePlanet platform.

            Karingani can continue to feel proud in its position as a thought leader, using this science and technology based
            approach, to continue making a positive difference.
            Our updated Conservation Development Management Plan has created a five-year step plan which sets the course
            for our continued efforts of rehabilitation, creating the conditions to further attract tourism investment partners. We
            will strive to create greater positive regional impact through community partnership and work with aligned and best in
            class conservation partners on initiatives that continue to satisfy Karingani’s long term purpose. The global impact of
            the pandemic needs no further explanation. Karingani has a collective responsibility to rebuild better, we look forward
            to the COP26 climate summit in November, which undoubtedly will deliver further stark warnings about climate stress
            and the need to de-carbonise, a strategy that Karingani will continue to adopt, whilst utilising data and proven results
            in order to better inform our decision making. We also have a responsibility to think at regional scale, expanding our
            influence to well beyond our boundaries.

            On behalf of the Founding Partners, we would again like to thank the Karingani team who have contributed to this year’s
            report, for their commitment and dedication in the field, and to our research and conservation partners, experts, and
            advisors around the world.

                  Paul Milton                 Reinecke Janse van Rensburg        Ellery Worth
                  CEO                         Project Director                   Karingani Warden

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