Page 30 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 30

          AIMS SUMMARY
                     CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION
                       KPI 1 | Surface Water
                              To monitor and build long-term records of available surface water within Karingani, to assist in responsible
                              ecological management.
                        KPI 2 | Fire Management

                              To manage fire return period to promote species and habitat diversity at the regional level, protect fire
                              sensitive habitats, improve habitat quality for resident and temporary resident herbivores, manage the fire risk
                              to humans and infrastructure at an acceptable level and contribute to carbon sequestration.
                        KPI 3 | Large Mammal Management
                              To manage the restoration of large mammal communities to avoid an overshoot of rangeland production.
                     ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES

                        KPI 1 | Alien Plant Species
                              To eradicate or manage alien invasive plants to levels that do not detrimentally alter ecosystem function or impact
                              on the viability of indigenous species.
                        KPI 2 | Alien Animal Species
                              To eradicate or manage alien animals to levels that do not detrimentally alter ecosystem function or impact on the
                              viability of indigenous species.
                        KPI 3 | Disease Control
                              To eradicate or manage alien plant and animal diseases to levels that do not detrimentally alter ecosystem
                              function or impact on the viability of indigenous species.
                     TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY

                     BOUNDARY AND FENCING
                        KPI 1 | Boundary Fence
                              To have a government approved delineation for the entire reserve boundary and the appropriate fence erected.
                        KPI 2 | Fence Maintained
                              To maintain the fence to a level that promotes its effectiveness as an animal barrier.
                        KPI 3 | Minimise Human Wildlife Conflict
                              To manage human wildlife conflict along the boundaries of the reserve to levels that effectively balances the
                              needs of the people and the aims of biodiversity conservation.
                        KPI 1 | Wildlife Security
                              To ensure no significant negative impact on the population growth of the biotic component of Karingani. Securing the
                              game reserve from trespass and all illegal activities of man that impact on wildlife and environment Illegal pressures.
                        KPI 2 | Incursions Associated With Neighbouring Communities
                              To understand what communities are either supportive or unsupportive of poaching; where the largest threat of
                              poaching lies to the east; and how effective out counter poaching efforts are per community.
                        KPI 3 | Poaching Incidents
                              To understand the extent, trend and distribution of poaching incidents within Karingani.
                        KPI 4 | Field Ranger Force
                              To train, deploy and manage an effective field ranger force.
                        KPI 5 | Patrolling and Deployment
                              To efficiently deploy the available field ranger force to deter incursions, maintain perimeter integrity, force contact
                              with and apprehend perpetrators.

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