Page 32 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 32

          AIMS SUMMARY
                     VEGETATION STRUCTURE
                        KPI 1 | Vegetation Monitoring in Past-Impacted Areas
                              To measure, restore (in impacted areas) and maintain vegetation structure and structural diversity typical of each
                              vegetation community within the reserve
                     PLANT DIVERSITY
                        KPI 1 | Diversity Measurements and Surveys
                             To identify, modify or remove and restore man-made structures which impede natural geomorphic processes.
                     ANIMAL DIVERSITY
                        KPI 1 | Incidental Animal Sightings
                              To develop a record based on casual and incidental animal sightings that can over time offer insight towards density,
                              probability and distribution of the animal species on Karingani.
                        KPI 2 | Large Mammal Survey
                              To effectively monitor the trends in large mammal populations on Karingani
                        KPI 3 | Vulture and Stork Survey
                              To develop an understanding and record of the Vulture and Stork breeding status on Karingani.
                        KPI 4 | Large Mammal Re-Establishment
                              To design and maintain appropriate strategies for the re-introduction and re-enforcement of large mammal species

                     ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION

                     PRODUCTIVITY AND CYCLING
                        KPI 1 | Herbaceous Productivity
                             To restore herbaceous cover and productivity to sites impacted by past human perturbation.
                     HABITAT INTERACTIONS
                        KPI 1 | Trophic Interactions
                             To restore and maintain characteristic trophic interactions within the reserve where they have been impacted by past
                             human interventions.
                        KPI 2 | Landscape Strategies

                             To design and implement landscape strategies that promote the restoration and maintenance of positive habitat
                        KPI 1 | Response to Disturbance (Fire and Drought)
                             To restore and maintain ecological resilience of the reserve, with particular reference to human impact areas

                             To conduct and ensure on-going scientific research to determine and understand the key processes that
                             underpin the ecosystem and identify the threats to these processes.
                     BUILT ENVIRONMENT

                     ENERGY AND CARBON
                        KPI 1 | Reduced Carbon Footprint
                             To minimise and support efficient use of energy demands and establish baselines of current energy consumption
                             and carbon emissions for their consideration and potential reduction in the future.
                        KPI 1 | Reduced Water Consumption
                             To minimise and support efficient use of water, and collect data towards establishing baselines of current water
                             consumption for their consideration and potential reduction in the future.

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