Page 36 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 36



                      A strong governing principle in the ecological restoration and management of Karingani is the knowledge
                      that the global climate and condition are continuously shifting with the increase in the human population
                      and industry. These collective impacts to extreme climate stressor events pose significant risk to global
                      natural landscapes which need to be managed with the mindset of natural resilience to extreme events such
                      as drought, flooding and heat shock.  In the Karingani ecosystem, three predominant strategies promote
                      this natural resilience and form the basis for long-term monitoring and data collection towards adaptive
                      and scientific ecological management.

                      KPI 1 | SURFACE WATER

               Governed by the Karingani “Strategic Plan for Surface water
               Augmentation,” we recognise the significant impact that
               the distribution of surface water plays in the impact of large
               herbivores on the vegetation structures within the reserve.
               Annually,  this  strategic  plan  is  monitored  using  remote
               sensing imagery and aerial surveys; and enforced to ensure
               that only where and when absolutely necessary, to mimic
               the natural surface water distribution in the landscape, is
               water augmented within Karingani.  This reporting report
               period has maintained that only two, widely distributed,
               natural pans are augmented with a solar water supply for
               the dry season.  This encourages a natural movement of
               large herbivores across the reserve in the dry season when
               surface water is limiting.                        Natural pan augmented in Karingani

                      KPI 2 | FIRE MANAGEMENT

               Active fire management is required to encourage both
               the  health  and  diversity  of the  reserves  herbaceous
               component. During  this  reporting period  management
               burns accounted for a total of 15 296 ha. This area burnt
               was estimated to have a biomass larger than 4 tonnes per

               No external community fires were experienced during this
               reporting period.

                                                                 Implementing management burns in Karingani

                                 WET SEASON                     WET SEASON                   WET SEASON
                                 TOTAL: 652 MM                  TOTAL: 599 MM                TOTAL: 695 MM

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