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On It To With OMS Inventory Allocation, you can batch create pick OMS will show you all open
Open A Flip- tickets based on Conditions you select to compare all open pick tickets that have not
been shipped & whether or
book With sales orders by Order, Ship or Cancel Date. System will not there is stock available
show open sales orders that fit selected criteria by Customer
Additional Priority and create a batch of pick tickets with only items to complete the shipment.
Information that are in stock shown. If you back date the date range, They then can pull mer-
chandise and scan and pack
using the Pick Ticket Con-
firmation process. OMS will
alert warehouse personnel if
they try to ship wrong item,
color, size or qty.
The Allocation Open Pick
Ticket Inquiry lets manage-
ment see what pick tickets
have been worked and still
open for all warehouse loca-
tions preventing lost sales
OMS Inventory Size and Color Inquiry