Page 5 - OMS Master System - MagicAugFall2023
P. 5

Developed, Programmed &
                                                                                         Supported in the USA Since 1987

         Page 5                               KEYWORD: FALL 2023  VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1

         3PL Interface For OMS Is The Talk Of  The Show!                                  Cases with Multiple Runs &
                                                                                          Open Stock System Inventory
         Do you outsource your ware-  plete your Pick and Pack and   You can then assign your Pick
         house operation to a 3rd Party?    where required assign UCC ID’s.    Ticket to the EDI 856 ASN with
         OMS has a universal integration   Then an electronic EDI 945   the previously assigned UCC
         set for the                                                         ID’s.
         processing                                                          OMS also
         of EDI                                                              provides for
         transactions.                                                       sending your
         These trans-
         actions are                                                         open Pur-
                                                                             chase Orders
         EDI 940,                                                            (EDI 943) to
         945, 943                  Open Stock System Inventory               the 3PL in
         and 944.
         From OMS                                                            of receiving
         you can                                                             your mer-
         send an                                                             chandise.
         electronic                                                          When re-
         copy of                    transaction will come back to            ceived at the
         your Pick Ticket (EDI 940)  to   OMS to close your open Pick   3Pl the 3Pl can then send back
         the 3PL.  They can then com-                          and electronic EDI 944 to close
                                    Ticket in OMS.
         If  Factoring Is A Factor, then OMS Has An Interface 4 U!

         Master System announces the   electronically to their factor of   leading to fast shipping of the
         “factor” interface for customers   choice for credit approval.  The   merchandise to pre-approved
         that use CIT, Hanna, Wells Far-  factor then electronically returns   customers.  For Customers that
         go or Sterling Financial Service   an approval, denial or hold code   are not approved , the OMS user
         to process their Invoices and   that automatically tags the sales   then can decide how they want
         manage their Accounts receiva-  order, respectively.   The user   to assume the financial risk that
         bles.                      then can process all of the factor   retailer presents to them.
                                    approved sales orders through
         This interface works best with   the allocation module for quick   If  you are interested in learning
         the OMS SQL System allowing   & easy creations of pick tickets   more about this interface, please
         the user to process sales orders                      contact your OMS sales rep.

                                      OMS  CRM

                                                        It has been reported that the only real
                                                        difference between you & your competi-
                                                        tion is how you treat your customer..
                                                        OMS provides single screen access to
                                                        your customers vital information.
                                                                                          When You See This Icon
                                                        Conversation Logs allow tracking of calls   Next To An Article,
                                                        between the customer & company with
                                                        the ability to schedule call backs.  View all   Click On It To Open A
                                                        sales histories, Open Sales Orders, Invoic-  Flipbook With Addition-
                                                        es with details, Outstanding invoices with   al Information On That
                                                        A/R aging,.                       Topic.

                                                        OMS can Chart Sales History for 3 Years.
                                                        The CRM Function is available in eMas-
                                                        ter online! option
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