Page 8 - OMS Master System - MagicAugFall2023
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Developed, Programmed
& Supported in the USA
Since 19897
OMS NEWS! Page 8
“No Degree Required” : To Use the OMS Accounting Applications
OMS features full Ac- In Accounts Receivable— Banking—deposit pro- accounts payable.
counts Payables, Ac- A/R is integrated to Com- cessing to statement gener-
counts Receivables, and pany Operating System pro- ation & reconciliation to Sales Rep Commissions
Banking, These func- cessing all open invoice viewing & printing checks. are an important part of
tions are simple & easy to items pertaining to a cus- Maintain & track multiple any Shoe & Apparel opera-
use! tomer. Track all open items bank accounts, transfer, tion and are easily tracked
& paid history. The system adjust, inquire & do bank and controlled through
Accounts Payable— A/ accepts customer payments reconciliation. View bank OMS. You have the ability
P is integrated to the by individual open items or check images on the screen to split commissions, set
Company Operating Sys- groups open items for pay- & print checks on comput- up scaled commission rates
tem, the Purchase Order ments. Produce billing & erized check forms. Sys- by Discounts allowed.
System & Banking Mod- statements, computes & tem allows post dated Generate Commission by
pays commissions according
ule. Process all payables to your company policy & checks and can auto de- Sales Amount, From Pay-
payments to terms & pri- more. You can choose par- posit on the appropriate ment, Payment & Profit or
ority. Produce cash flow tial payments to an invoice, date. Bank deposits and Based On Profit and much
& cash disbursement in- or one payment to many check registers link with more..
formation. outstanding invoices accounts receivable and
Easy To
stand Us-
er Friend-
ly Screens
are evident
in OMS.
out the En-
tire System
OMS easy
New Pavo - 3rd Party Web Integrations
Pavo is a multi-channel solution to
connect OMS to e-commerce plat-
forms that is entirely cloud based,
with little additional maintenance
on your part. The features are
built based on client demands and
by the OMS team, exclusively for
OMS Systems.
Now available: Shopify, Woo Com-
merce, CommerceHub, DSCO,
Channel Advisor, NuOrder, is
ShipStation, Amazon, eBay, and