Page 3 - OMS Master System - MagicAugFall2023
P. 3

Developed, Programmed &
                                                                                        Supported in the USA Since 1987

         Page 3                               KEYWORD: FALL 2023  VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1
         Looking for a One Stop Solution Provider?

         Master System is designed spe-  ing a system that is intuitive in   single trans-
         cifically for the Wholesale, Dis-  design & not requiring major   action updat-
         tribution & Importing trades .    training hours for new custom-  ing your cost
         The OMS family of products   ers or new employees.  Since   of goods & automatically creat-
         does not require a great deal of   OMS deals with Inventory; the   ing A/P invoices for the Inven-  OMS Provides A Graphic View
                                                                                          of Customer’s 3 Year Sales
         costly training & implementa-  user, can edit Invoices, Sales   tory, Shipping & Handling, Du-  History by Month, QTR & Year
         tion.                      Orders, Purchase Orders, all   ties & more.  OMS developed  a
                                    password controlled.       CRM function that allows the
         OMS does not utilize third party                      user to easily get vital customer
         software that hinders your future   You can elect to transfer A/R &   service information at their fin-
         upgrade path.  Unlike Major   A/P to the GL as often as need-  gertips, all in location.
         Accounting Programs, OMS   ed until you close the G/L.
         puts Inventory first; knowing full   OMS can maintain an average   If you are currently using  anoth-
         well that people in your industry   cost of goods & even receive   er software product, you owe it
         experience high turn over requir-  multiple PO’s in a container in a   to yourself to take a look at

          Inventory Item Color & Size Projected QTY Report
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8