Page 2 - OMS 2017 PPAI Expo Trade Show
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Show Special!        OMS NEWS!                                                               Page 2

             Contact Ross Sandler
             at 702-617-0427, by
             February 28, 2017 to    OMS Has “The Entire Alphabet Soup” - ERP, CRM, WMS, MRP
             see how you can save
             up to 25% off the cost                                                                office via the Internet
             of the OMS Software     Master System is                                              with eCommerce &
             just by mentioning      the developer of                                              B2B Today, OMS
             this PPAI EXPO          Office Master Sys-                                            remains unmatched
             show newsletter!        tem (OMS). OMS                                                for its ease-of-use,
                                     is the pre-eminent                                            ease-of-deployment,
                                     business software                                             customization, & low
                                     solution with thou-                                           cost of ownership
                                     sands of wholesale                                            with versatility &
                                     distributor compa-                                            adaptability that deliv-
             Master System’s         nies around the                                               ers significant gains in
             eMaster Solution        world. Since 1987                                             performance & effi-
             Suite is at the heart   Master System has                                             ciency.
             of that effort,         been at the fore-
             according to Cheng.     front of continuous                                           OMS ERP is fully
             Cao  “It has laid the   & never ending                                                integrated with Ac-
             basis for us to grow    development of our                                            counting for a seam-
             our company to a        OMS & eMaster business soft-  control solution with  integrated   less flow of data from the Inven-
             larger level.  With     ware solutions for wholesale   accounting application that was   tory, Purchasing & Sales Pro-
             Master System at        distributors.  Master Systems’   the “first” to fully-integrate the
             our foundation, we                                                            cesses to A/R, A/P, banking &
             are able to             OMS is a world-class inventory   wholesale distributor’s back-  into the G/L.
             concentrate on
             growing the
             business, because it    CRM—Helps You Quickly Service Your Customers
             automatically takes
             care of all of the       It has been reported that the   standing in-
             business                 only real difference between you   voices with
             functionality we
             need.   We trust the     & your competition is how you   A/R aging,.
             product, and we          treat your customer.. OMS pro-  OMS can
             trust the support we     vides single screen access to your
             receive from Master      customers vital information.     Chart Sales
             System, because we                                  History for 3
             know that the peace      Conversation Logs allow track-  Years.  The
             of mind we get back      ing of calls between the custom-  CRM Func-
             makes it all             er & company with the ability to   tion is availa-
                                      schedule call backs.  View all   ble in eMas-
             Cheng Cao, Vibes         sales histories, Open Sales Or-  ter online!
             Base Group’s             ders, Invoices with details, Out-  option
             General Manager
                                     OMS Asks —Do You Know “Who’s Your Daddy?”

                                      The question “Who’s Your Dad-  are their own.  Designed, engi-  Ware product.  Add on software
                                      dy” is as important  an element   neered, coded and tested in the   modules or custom work done
                                      in the decision making process   US, Master System can offer it’s   by resellers usually prevent re-
                                      for software evaluation as it is in   client’s a future upgrade path.   ceiving updates to the core soft-
                                      real life.                                           ware system unless that third
                                                                 For those companies in footwear
                                      Master System a software devel-  and apparel distribution,  require   party software package has kept
                                                                                           up with the latest versions.  In
                                      opment company that traces it   a matrix to handle sizes and   many cases, if there is an update,
                                      roots back over 26 years.  Unlike   colors.  Master System has such   the third party developer is
                                      resellers or VAR’s, that market   a matrix integrated into their   months to years behind the main
                                      and sell accounting solutions, the   apparel and shoe software sys-  product.  Be sure you know
                                      software products that this Cali-  tems.  It is not developed by a   upfront. “Who’s Your Daddy!”
                                      fornia based company markets    third party or is an add on soft-
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