Page 6 - OMS 2017 PPAI Expo Trade Show
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OMS NEWS!                                                               Page 6

                Show Special!
                                     The New Generation of  eMaster
             Contact Ross Sandler
             at 702-617-0427, by     Master System Inc., announced there newest lineup of eMaster for 2012, integrated ecommerce solu-
             February 28, 2017 to    tions for both B2B & B2C.  Integrated to their popular SQL based ERP systems, eMaster provides
             see how you can save    real-time information for buyers , sales reps and Company personnel—24/7.  Some of the features
             up to 25% off the cost
             of the OMS Software     included in the new Enterprise and Enterprise Pro versions are:
             just by mentioning      Advanced Setups, Multiple Site Options, Multiple Site EZ-Setup, Multiple Site Pricing,
             this CES2017 Show       Event, Promotion or Coupons, Meta tag & Keywords Capable, Social Network Links, Sug-
             !                       gestive and/or Related Items, Multiple Picture Views, 360 Picture Options, Assign Item to
                                     Multiple Categories, Option for Customer Reviews/Comments & 5 Star Ratings with pre-
                                     screening, Color Coded Matrix for Apparel/Shoes and Drop Down Size Selection for Appar-
                                     el/Shoes for B2C,  Enterprise Portal for Sales Reps & Company personnel for remote access.
             “Our return on
             investment is
             incredible,” he
             added.  “It’s been
             beneficial to a
             company like ours.
             Master System has
             proven itself to be
             very responsive over
             the years we’ve
             worked with them;
             they deliver superior
             customer service,
             and are always there
             when we need them.
             Our customers
             demand consistent
             and accurate
             support; we demand      CRM Screen from the
             the same, and we        Enterprise Portal, Real
             get it with Master
             System.”                time information for
                                     key sales & manage-
             Cheng Cao, Vibes        ment personnel.  Rael
             Base Group’s General    time inventory, reports
                                     and the ability for Sales
                                     reps to enter orders for
                                     their customers online.

                                     Learn The Inside Story of  eMail Master –EMS

                                     Master System Inc., announced a   In addition, the
                                     redesigned email engine that will   EMS, sits outside of
                                     feature  The new  email sys-  OMS as a separate
                                     tem—EMS,  that will allow for   icon on your desk-
                                     bulk emailing of S/O & Invoices   top that integrates
                                     within the OMS application.    into your OMS back
                                     The system will automatically   office system.  Con-
                                     print out the S/O & Invoice if   ditions can be set
                                     there is not an email present   that allow bulk
                                     allowing the user to mail those   emailing of specific,
                                     out.  This bulk emailing of S/O’s   targeted emails of
                                     & Invoices requires the new   letters, catalogs &
                                     EMS—Email System to accom-  newsletters.      New Bulk Email Pro Screen
                                     plish this.
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