Page 8 - OMS 2017 PPAI Expo Trade Show
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Samples of OMS Customer’s eMas-
         ter B2B  and/or B2C Sites   OMS NEWS!                                                               Page 8

                                     “No Degree Required”: To Use the OMS Accounting Applications

                                                                             Accounts      open invoice items pertaining to
                                                                             Payable— A/   a customer. Track all open items
                                                                             P is integrated   & paid history.  The system ac-
                                                                             to the Compa-  cepts customer payments by
                                                                             ny Operating   individual open items or groups
                                                                             System, the   open items for payments. Pro-
                                                                             Purchase Or-  duce billing & statements, com-
                                                                             der System &   putes & pays commissions ac-
                                                                             Banking Mod-  cording to your company policy
                                                                             ule.  ProASDs   & more. You August choose
                                                                             all payables   partial payments to an invoice,
                                                                             payments to   or one payment to many out-
                                                                             terms & priori-  standing invoiASD. Banking—
                                     Simply, Easy To understand  User Friendly
                                     Screens are evident in OMS. Throughout the En-  ty. Produce   deposit proASDsing to state-
                                     tire System Making OMS easy to train, therefore   cash flow &   ment generation & reconciliation
                                     less expensive to Implement & keep running.    cash disburse-  to viewing & printing checks.
                                                                             ment infor-   Maintain & track multiple bank
                                     OMS features full Accounts   mation.                  accounts, transfer, adjust, inquire
                                     Payables, Accounts Receivables,   In Accounts Receivable— A/  & do bank reconciliation. View
                                     and Banking,   These functions   R is integrated to Company Op-  bank check images on the screen
                                     are simple & easy to use!   erating System processing all   & print checks on computerized

                                     OMS Has What You Need in General Ledger !

                                     OMS is introducing it’s new   OMS provides a utility that al-
                                     Multi-Divisional General ledger   lows the user to re-open a closed
                                     this year.  It currently is not   month in the general ledger.
                                     available in all systems but, Rob-  Have you ever closed a month
                                     ert Wan, CEO & Founder of   out and discovered that paper-
                                     Master System states that all   work after the cut-off dates ar-  You won’t see this utility in a
                                     SQL versions of OMS will have   rived too late? Now you do not   standard accounting solution
                                                                                            but oms has it.  You can re-open
                                     the option of selecting a Multi-  have to worry about this.  Just   a closed month !
                                     Divisional General Ledger this   use the provided utility to re-
                                     year.                      open the month, process your   You can see OMS & eMaster at
                                                                paperwork and re-close the G/L.   the Upcoming ASD Show in Las
                                     In other news, unlike typical   How simple is that?.    Vegas !
                                     accounting software packages,

                                     Need a Cash & Carry POS for Your Showroom or Warehouse?

                                      OMS announces it’s new POS
                                      Invoicing option that allows
                                      Wholesale Distributers to create
                                      a POS environment inside their
                                      Showrooms or Warehouses
                                      (even remote locations) for
                                      Retail or Wholesale sales.
                                        The POS is linked real time to
                                      the server  via network or the
                                      internet with Remote Desktop
                                      connection or a VPN.
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