Page 7 - OMS 2017 PPAI Expo Trade Show
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Developed, Programmed &
             Supported in the USA

                                     OMS NEWS!                                                               Page 7

                Show Special!

             Contact Ross Sandler    OMS Warehouse Management System Setting New Standards
             at 702-617-0427, by                                             System or that   house data to everyone who
             February 28, 2017 to                                                          needs it.  Some of the features
             see how you can save                                            ties into the   include; Automated Put
             up to 25% off the cost                                          OMS ERP
             of the OMS Software                                             system that   Away, Pick Planning, For-
                                                                                           ward Picking, Replenish-
             just by mentioning                                              can handle
             this CES2017 Show                                               RFID and      ments, Quality Control, Cycle
                                                                                           Count, Physical Count, Pallet
             newsletter!                                                     wireless pick
                                                                             and pack      Building, Pallet Tracking,
                                                                             func-         Expiration Dates, Manufac-
                                                                             tions.  OMS-  ture Dates, Shelf Life, Catch
                                                                             WMS gives     Weight, Carton Ids, Lot Man-
                                                                             companies on  agement, Serial Number
             “Virtually everyone     (Bob Put screen SuperZooof new WMS here and   -line, "real   Maintenance, Kit Assembly
             who comes in            caption)                                time" insight   (kitting), Cross Docking, EDI,
             contact with us has                                             into all ware-  Warehouse
             a need to know                                                  house opera-  Productivity Reporting and
             where things stand,”                                            tions and in-  RFID.
             Schwarz says.  “For     OMS is pleased to introduce    ventory availability.  The key   All can be integrated to the
             instance, sales reps    the OMS WMS or Ware-       to optimizing any warehouse   OMS ERP and CRM.
             will look at their                                 operation today is to provide
             orders, reports and     house Management System
             inventory items, to     that can be a stand-alone   immediate access of ware-
             find out what’s
             available, what’s
             been recently
             received and what’s     OMS Says “ No Problem” When It Comes to EDI!
             been shipped.
             Workers in our
             corporate office use                                        OMS can provide trouble free access to EDI and ex-
             it to track accounts                                        pand your business possibilities with the integration of
             receivable and                                              OMS to our EDI partners MSI supports most trading
             payable, and to                                             partners. Our easy-to-use EDI integration brings all
             conduct credit                                              purchase orders into OMS as a sales order. Customers
             checks and
             approvals.  And in                                          electronically process hundreds-of- thousands of sales
             our warehouses,                                             order line items every month in a hands-free, error-
             workers use OMS to                                          free process. The electronic documents for shipping,
             process/Platforms                                           labeling, invoicing and UPC catalog updates are done
             new inventory, fill                                         hands free.
             orders, and produce
                                                                         The OMS business software solution for EDI capital-
             says Eddy Sugandhi,                                         izes on industry standards, and is built to accommo-
             Division Six Sports -                                       date your infrastructure providing a fluid electronic
             Network System                                              interface in plug-and-play style allowing for fast & easy
             Manager about                                               deployment, in days rather than weeks or months.
                                                                         OMS Pre-Sales Order can be managed & processed
                                                                         by OMS by ship date and/or stop ship date.  Mis-
                                                                         coded UPC codes are trapped before entry into OMS.

                                     Integrated to the Allocation Module of OMS
                                     that automatically builds Advance Shipment
                                     Notification from Pick Ticket Confirmation
                                     eliminating redundant operations. Compliant
                                     with more than 1,600 trading partners!
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