Page 14 - Women's Soccer Scene Issue No.30 2022-23
P. 14

In  their  first  season  back  in  the  FAWNL  Northern
       Premier  Division,  after  promotion  at  the  end  of  last
       saeson. Liverpool Feds look set to finish the season in
       a comfortable mid-table position despite a number of
       long term injuries suffered during the campaign.
           Chantelle  Thompson  has  been  an  important
       presence in midfield for the team in recent seasons and
       she  told  us  that  their  5-2  victory  over  Boldmere  St
       Michaels  was  deserved  overall  after  a  sluggish  start
       and, looking at the bigger picture, admitted that it has
       been a ‘rollercoaster’ season but is very confident that
       the club can establish itself at this level over the next
       few seasons:
       WSS: Well done on your win on Sunday, were
       you  pleased  with  the  team's  display  overall,
       particularly the second half?
       CT: I think as a group we were really disappointed
       with the opening twenty minutes; we started really
       slow but for the rest of the game I feel we dominated
       and our quality came through, it shows the character
       of the team to go 2-0 down so early on in such an important game to then come back and win
       5-2, it was a great feeling and nothing more than we deserved.
       WSS: That makes it three wins in four games, only losing to Wolves in that run,
       do you feel that the team has hit its best form at this stage of the season?
       CT: I think so, you know we have had quite a few injuries this season with players missing
       months out at a time and that can have an effect on a small squad like ours, so I think the fact
       the majority of the squad is back fit and we’ve brought in a couple of quality additions, it all
       fell at the right time when we have really needed to pick up some valuable points.
       CT: Two more goals as well for Paige Cole, taking her into double figures for the
       season in the league, her goals must have been a big help for the team?
       CT: Yeah, Paige is a fantastic player who always causes the opposition a threat with her
       speed and finishing so her goals have been really important this season and then equally, the
       squad as a whole has played their part too, with sixteen different goalscorers across the
       WSS: You finish up this week with a trip to title chasing Burnley, how good will
       it be to be involved in such a notable game at such a famous venue?
       CT: I mean, is there any better way of finishing the season? Safety confirmed and a chance
       to play at Turf Moor in front of what we hope will be a big crowd. Everyone is looking
       forward to what will be a memorable day for the club and something that we are going to go
       and enjoy from the first minute to the last.
       WSS:  If  you  could  pull  off  a  win  against  Burnley,  there  is  every  chance  you
       could finish in the top half of the table, will that be an incentive going into the
       CT: We know going into this game that we are coming up against one of the toughest teams
       we have faced all season, so are fully aware how hard it will be but our aim is to finish as
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