Page 6 - Patchway Town v Stoke Gifford Utd 180223
P. 6

Phil Vice - Joint player   Damien Keary - Joint   Rich Lee - assistant
       manager                 manage                  manager
       Known as “the general” on   Played and managed Oldbury  After a very brief spell as
       the pitch runs the middle of  for 15 years and then went to assistant at the club last
       the park covers every blade  Tytherington rocks as   season, Rich returns to the
       of grass via foot and loves to  assistant manager. Coach for  club in a permanent roll to
       voice an opinion or 2. A pain  stoke Lane in their youth set  add experience in his role as
       to play against, great talent  up and finally arrived at my   assistant manager behind
       and has been part of the club home town club Patchway to  Damien and Phil, after
       through the dark days but   run a successful reserve team holding previous first team
       remained keen to see the   winning the county Cup in   managerial positions with
       club back on top.       2022 with a great young   Tytherington Rocks and
                               squad (with the exception of  Thornbury Town, amongst
                               matt webb).             others, in the past.

       Sam Burgess – goalkeeper:  Ollie Bacon – defender: An  Jack Wells – Defender: aka
       5  Season at the club. An   all-round utility defender in   St. John this lad loves the
       absolute livewire in the   his recent seasons but a solid club almost as much as an
       gloves, excellent shot stopper full back and plenty of   injury. Rarely see him in the
       and pinnacle of our squad.   encouragement from him,   squad without carrying “a
       Defines the words number 1. natural leader. Always wears  knock”.
                               the badge with pride.
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