Page 8 - Patchway Town v Stoke Gifford Utd 180223
P. 8

Joseph Dalby -    Adam Porter -     Joe Weare - Joe   Jay Moore -born and
       midfielder - after   another utility man   joins patchway after  bred in patchway jay
       under taking more   within the squad,   spells at various clubs  Moore returns to play
       senior role within the  Adam has played   scoring Goals for fun,  at patchway
       club during last   every position for the  his ability to put the  permanently, as he’s
       season running the   patch since joining   ball in the net is not  matured so has his
       return of the 3rd   from Oldbury. Adam  too questioned after  football ability and
       team at Patchway   has a great attitude   proving himself   jay’s cute footwork
       joe’s commitments   to perform the best   everywhere he’s been and footballing brain
       this season sees him  he can and do all is            brings him in to
       return to the middle  necessary to achieve            strengthen what’s an
       of midfield where so                                   already experienced
       often he covers every                                 front line.
       blade of grass during
       his 90 minutes.

       Liam Christopher -  Hassan Hussein -   Brad Thomas -   Luke Hammond -
       Liam returns to   Mr silent - never far   things that are as   joins a long list of
       football after a spell  away from the ball   serious as his work   utility men with the
       not playing and   during a game and   career - effort,   club and wants to see
       follows a lot after his  loves it at his feet   commitment, attitude  the club achieve
       father in terms of   with years of football  and heart Brad   whatever it takes
       anger and hard    ahead of him has a   returns to the mighty  been at many clubs in
       tackling he brings a   real opportunity to   patch after a long   the local area to know
       lot of passion in his   make something good spell away to bring   what is needed to
       game.             in his time playing.  bags the ability and   achieve success.
                                           brain into the squad.
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