Page 39 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 39

How parents rate the Option and CTS program
•The option and CTS programs also received high marks from parents.
How teachers rate technical support
•The 93% satisfaction rate of teachers for technical support provided represents a de- cline of 7% from last year. This could be attributed to difficulties encountered with the Students Achieve network and server problems that the school experienced in the beginning of the school year which were largely beyond the control of the tech- nology team. It took the technology team some two weeks to get the network run- ning smoothly.
•Teachers’ satisfaction rates with regard to access to computer technology remain in the 50% bracket. This is rather inconsistent with facts, however, since all teachers have their own computers in their classrooms so access cannot be argued. When- ever needed, these computers can also be connected to projectors or the smart board to allow them to project teaching materials from their screens. The low satis- faction rate of 50% thus requires further investigation to uncover any problems that contribute to this result.
•Over-all, staff is satisfied with their computer technology skills. However, this percep- tion can make them complacent in exploring newer skills. As it is, it appears that available applications have not been fully exploited. While there are a number of teachers who have started assigning more advanced assignments such as video editing, a considerable number limit themselves to Internet research and use of the PowerPoint.
How teachers rate their access to computers and computer technology skills
How teachers rate the opportunity for professional development
•The 10% drop from last year could be attributed to teachers’ preference in receiving training in other, perhaps more relevant, areas. Whereas the district initiated all professional develop- ment and planning based on perceived requirements, it may also prove useful in the future to consult teachers of their preferences.

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