Page 37 - Technology Plan ICT Review
P. 37
2004-2005 Elementary ICT Support Goals
Implementation of the ICT Scope and Sequence
Set three predefined ICT committee meetings dates for each school
Set two predefine ICT staff progress presentations for each school
Complete two year ICT Implementation Report
Organize and update all support documentation with Campus Crossing
Assist first year teachers with introduction technology skills
Keyboarding technique Scope and sequence
Model, template and resource (link pages) creation for projects.
Use the ACTIVboard and NetOp
PLC involving the ICT Support Teacher
All teachers meet three times (Floating Sub) with the ICT Support Teacher to work on specific needs. (November, January and May)
Planning of a Video Editing Project with grade 5 and 6 students using the PC plat- form and Movie Maker
Follow up on new file naming convention
Follow up on Classroom log in password
Follow up on Class Shared VS Students Shared
Elementary ICT Support expectations or guidelines
You can contact the ICT Support Teacher with:
1- Help Desk Request:
2- ICT Support Calendar
You can locate this calendar in your GroupWise account.
3- By email (
Only for emergency or to communicate information
Where I can find resources:
1- ICT Website ( ) 2- ICT Support Binders (located in the library)
3- Campus Crossing ( 4- Help of each program
How the ICT Support Teacher can help:
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1- Out of the classroom
a) Classroom management related to the technology
b) Planning (Long-range, unit or lesson plan, rubric...)
c) Creation of models and templates
d) Training on all software and hardware needed to achieve the ICT out-
e) Creation of classroom Resources
f) Building Web Pages and organizing web resources
2- In the classroom
a) Give a model lesson (lead the class)
b) Assist the teacher (backup)
c) Observe for feedback
d) Being a Guest speaker
3- In the school
a) Structuring the computer lab
b) Ordering materials related to the ICT