Page 67 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 67

us to do, I put that I ate there, 12 and 14 July while M put 13

               and 15 June.  We decide he probably thought we are crazy.  M

               wants to know why I am writing such a detailed account of our

               trip and I say that I plan to read it in the nursing home.  Many

               giggles over that one!  I fall asleep about 12 p.m.

               Day 8 Park Castle and Innishcrone – June 16                                                 th

               We wake up at 8:30 a.m. and I put on the Yates T-shirt I

               bought in Drumcliff.  I hadn’t read any of his poetry at that

               point but I intend to do that.  The shirt had an interesting

               collage of his portrait and his verses.  We eat breakfast –

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