Page 65 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 65

We retrieve M’s laundry in Killybegs (£2.50) and head back to

               our B & B.

               We stop and pick up our only other hitchhikers on the way – a

               young woman holding a two year old’s hand with a baby

               strapped to her chest.  It is raining and the wind is quite cold

               by then.   We take her and her little ones as far as the Ardra

               turnoff.  She said she still has 10 miles to go when we left her

               out in the rain but she assures us she would be OK.  We would

               have taken her all the way to her destination but she won’t hear

               of it.  The two year old has very rosy cheeks but seems perfectly

               happy to be out in the weather hitchhiking with his mom.  We

               figure they do it often.

               We change clothes and went back to Wood Hill House again.  I

               have tarragon chicken with fresh peach and mixed veggies –

               Cauliflower, potatoes and cooked cucumber.  The cucumber is

               as green as honeydew and tasted sort of like squash.  Another

               lovely meal but I guess we didn’t move along fast enough for

               the Saturday crowd because the barman comes in and asks us
               to move to the bar and have a complementary drink.  We oblige

               and M has a drink (I’m driving) but we wonder why they didn’t

               just bring your check.

               At the bar he figures the bill and forgets the glasses of wine we

               had before dinner so we tell him and he adds them on but is
               still several pounds light.  We wonder how he keeps his job

               with math like that.  We leave the restaurant by 9:30 p.m. with

               the sun still shining.  We both kind of want to do something

               else on a Saturday night but haven’t felt comfortable in the

               Pubs so we decide to forget it.

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