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P. 4

Dear Friends,

       In many of the letters that the apostle Paul writes, we can see that
       he is responding to reports that he has received that has given him
       concern. We don’t have access to that information, or those letters,
       that bring him the news that clearly distresses him so much. All that
       we have are his responses from which we can surmise what it was
       that he heard.

       One such response from Paul comes in what we know as the first
       letter to the Corinthians, where he writes,

             For as long as there is jealousy and quarrelling among you,
             are you not of the flesh, and behaving according to human

             inclinations? For when one says, ‘I belong to Paul’, and
             another, ‘I belong to Apollos’, are you not merely human?

       It seems as if one of the problems affecting the believers in Corinth
       was that they were splitting into factions. We do not know the
       reasons behind these factions, and neither do we know whether
       these factions were particularly antagonistic towards one another,
       although the fact that Paul mentions jealousy and quarrelling gives
       us a strong hint that there might have been. All we really know is
       that there were factions and that they each claimed a different
       person as their leader – whether or not that person actually sought
       to be their leader in the way they were proclaimed.

       Unfortunately, factionalism is still
       something that can be seen in churches
       today. Disagreements over almost
       anything can, if they are not kept in
       perspective, easily be blown out of
       proportion and cause all sorts of
       problems. And any such unchecked
       disagreement can soon turn into a
       problem between personalities, where
       instead of the issue being resolved, or the
       issue being viewed in isolation, the issue
       can only be seen as attached to a specific person. From there it is
       only a small step into factionalism.

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