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           He is Risen: The Testimony of Women

       Women feature prominently in the Easter story. They were at the
       foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified, when many of the male
       disciples had fled in fear. They were the first to go to Jesus' tomb,
       to perform the burial rites with spices. They saw of course an empty
       tomb and the angels advising them that Jesus had risen.

       Now, women's testimony had very low status in Jewish law. So
       unsurprisingly the disciples cowering in the Upper Room dismissed
       the women's story. But this only makes the account more true. Why
       include the evidence of women if the story was invented? The
       evidence of men would have carried much more weight. The
       reason must be that it is an actual eyewitness account by the

       Furthermore, the first person that the risen Jesus appeared to was
       a woman, Mary Magdalene. Of course she did not recognise Him,
       believing Him to be the gardener, and this also rings true. She did
       not expect to see Jesus and therefore she did not know him.
       Imagine her joy and astonishment as he called her by name, 'Mary'.
       His voice she did recognise. As she moved to greet her beloved
       master, Jesus warned her not to touch Him, as he had not yet
       ascended to His Father. Then later He
       appeared to the male disciples,
       and they realised that the
       women's account was true.

       May we all be full of joy and
       astonishment as we ponder
       the great story of
       Easter once again.

       Every blessing

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