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There is so much we all carry in life that is so past its “Carry-Until”
       Date – its “Best Before” Date.  These burdens are way beyond the

       point in time that caused the injury.  In many cases, the ‘guilty’
       party is no longer aware of the offence or perhaps never was
       aware.  Today is a great day to ask ourselves, “Would we rather
       keep carrying this, or would we prefer to be liberated from this hard

       I finish with Wayne Dyer’s inviting affirmation again, “I can choose
       peace, rather than this…”
                                              Lex McKee, Mission Enabler

                 Coronation Celebration Tea

          You are invited to join us at
                       Church on
            Sunday 7th May

                3 pm to 5 pm

         for a Right Royal Cream Tea
              The planning team are
                     already busy

             We are arranging to stream the BBC TV
          footage so you don’t miss out on any of the
                          excitement in London
             No admission, although a donation will be welcome
           Our Salvation Army friends have been invited to join us

       BIG HELP OUT The King has chosen to use his Coronation
       weekend as an opportunity to highlight volunteering and the
       important part it plays in our community.

       On Monday 8th May ‘The Big Help Out’ will give everyone an
       opportunity to join in on a national day of volunteering.

       For more information on this go to

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