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Church Family Diary ~ APRIL
Sunday 2nd 10.30 am Morning Worship. Joint Service at the
Methodist Church, Palm Sunday
led by Reverend Karen James
Monday 3rd 10.30 am Holy Week
Monday 3rd 2.45 pm ‘Come and Sing’
Monday 3rd 4 pm Kitchen Crew Meeting
Tuesday 4th 10.30 am Holy Week
Tuesday 4th 1.30 pm CU Chooseday
Tuesday 4th 7.30 pm Maundy Thursday Communion
Wed 5th 10.30 am Holy Week
Thursday 6th 10.30 am Holy Week
Friday 7th 9.30 am Coffee@122
Friday 7th 2 pm Open the Book
Sunday 9th 6 am Sunrise Service on the Beach
EASTER followed by Breakfast at URC
DAY 10.30 am Morning Worship, led by Reverend
Martyn Neads inc Holy Communion
Tuesday 11th 2 pm Bible Study
Tuesday 11th 7.30 pm Elders’ Meeting
Friday 14th 9.30 am Coffee@122
Friday 14th 2 pm Open the Book
Sunday 16th 10.30 am Morning Worship,
Led by Reverend Martyn Neads
Monday 17th 2.45 pm ‘Come and Sing’
Tuesday 18th 1.30 pm CU Chooseday
Friday 21st 9.30 am Coffee@122
Friday 21st 2 pm Memorial Service for Nick Gadenne
Sunday 23rd 10.30 am Morning Worship,
Led by Reverend Dave Harkison
Tuesday 25th 2 pm Bible Study
Friday 28th 9.30 am Coffee@122
Friday 28th 2 pm Open the book
Saturday 29th 6 pm Beetle Drive and Bingo
Sunday 30th 10.30 am Morning Worship,
Led by Reverend Martyn Neads
Followed by Church Meeting
9 am Ukulele's practice in the small hall every Saturday morning