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Fun Raising

       We had a lovely afternoon on 11  March with Daphne, Sue and
       Rob, who told us about Swanage Disabled Club. After tea and cake
       we were treated to photos new and old that Jim and Ann had
       prepared for us. Ann G and Derek ran a Raffle and donations
       amounted to £108.

       Sunday saw a number of us again at Church, this time in the
       Worship area, to hear Jay’s ‘Sing & Swing’ afternoon. The Church
       was packed with families and friends and we enjoyed a wonderful
       afternoon of music. A real treat.

       We served Tea and Cake in the hall, cake this time provided by
       parents and band members - a delicious selection.

       The Donations were for Church Funds and a total of £239.10 was
                           Next Fun Evening is on
         Saturday 29  April – A Beetle Drive & Bingo!

       CAKE STALL   Coffee@112.

       As a new initiative we are having a Cake Stall on the 4th Friday of
       each month over seen by Ann C.!

       If you can make a cake for any ‘4th Friday’ to sell please do and
       ‘Thank You’.
       It all helps towards our Fund Raising. Last month’s Stall gave a real
       boost to our donations. (We can also take orders for cakes!)


       Our Stall on a Friday morning is getting a bit stale! If you have any
       bits and pieces you can pass to us they will be gratefully received.

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