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Eddie and Ellie live in the
        scenic coastal town of

        Swanage. Family feuds
        make these two young
        people unlikely friends, not to
        mention their chosen paths
        in life. But despite the odds,
        Ellie and Eddie reunite their
        families without a drop of
        blood being lost.

        Allsort’d C.I.C and friends
        are thrilled to present a
        modern day version of
        Shakespeare’s classic love
        story, ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
        An original story told through
        dance, songs, and narration which is supported by Signalong for
        those who may have communication difficulties.

               Wednesday 5th April 7 pm at The Mowlem.
         Come and support youngsters with communication
          difficulties. They would love to see a full audience.

             Blythswood Shoe Boxes

         During April we are concentrating our efforts
                       on the following items

             Pretty items ~ Jewellery etc.

           Any other suitable items can be placed in the
              collection box in the vestibule at any time

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