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And so, the ‘I belong to Paul’ and ‘I belong to Apollos’ of the
Corinthian church can easily become, ‘I follow the minister’ or ‘I
support this elder’ or ‘I’m in so-and-so’s camp’ – the specific person
is irrelevant, for it can be anyone, and sometimes they even attend
an entirely different church, or are from a particular fellowship’s
But the point remains that this leads to us becoming caught up in
unnecessary conflict. We turn our attention to earthly and human
things instead of focussing on that which God calls us to work for.
And we end up losing sight of what we have come together as
church for – the worship of God and the sharing of God’s love and
grace with others.
As we enter the month of April and head towards the remembrance
and celebration of Easter, we would all do well to remember that
we, first and foremost, belong to Jesus Christ, and it is him whom
we follow. We should look to him, he who was the servant to all,
and who gave his life for all, for our example as to how we should
live and seek to serve each and every day.
In His name,
A wise man once said ~
“Be careful who you let on your
ship, because some people
will sink the whole ship just
because they can’t
be the captain.”
Just two of the ‘Thoughts of the Day’
which have been used or are in line to be
used on Sunday mornings.
Jim is preparing an anthology which will
be available one day.