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Prayer Chain

       If you would like prayer for someone,
       yourself or for anything, please let Davina
       know and she will circulate to the Prayer
       Chain members.

       It would be so helpful if you could send an update too please.

       Davina ( 01929 423772

                            Bible Society Soup Lunch

                               Thank you to everyone who supported the
                               soup lunch to raise funds for the Bible
                               Society after the United Service. We sent
                               £267 to the Bible Society. There was a
       lovely atmosphere as people greeted old friends and made new
       acquaintances. We ran out of home made soup eventually and
       opened some tins we'd brought "just in case", but there were still
       several tins left over which we donated to the Food Bank.

                                                               Anne Squires

                         Traidcraft Thanksgiving Service

       As part of Fairtrade Fortnight this year
       there will be a thanksgiving service for the
       work of Traidcraft, over the last 43 years,
       on 12th March. I would like to have a
       display of Traidcraft items people have treasured over the years. If
       you have a favourite piece of craft or clothing that you are willing to
       lend for the display please let me know and I can collect it, or leave
       it in the vestibule on Friday 10th with your name attached.

                                                               Anne Squires

                            FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS
          For some time funerals have been co-ordinated by Nora. Her role is to
        make sure that the Church is prepared, stewards are available and liaise
           with the Funeral Directors for access on the morning of the funeral.
          Martyn will continue to arrange the service with the family and music
                                  and PA if required.

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