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Church Family Diary ~ March

        Friday     3rd  2 pm        Bible Society `Open the Book’ Rehearsal
        Saturday  4th               Friendly Food Club – Community Lunch
                                                           (See page 22)

        Sunday     5th  10.30       Morning Worship, Joint Service with
                                    Methodist and Salvation Army at URC
                         7 pm       Café Style Praise led by Lex
        Monday     6th  2.5 pm      ‘Come and Sing’ everyone welcome
        Tuesday   7th  1.30 pm      ‘CU Tuesday’
        Friday     10th  9.30 am    Coffee@112
        Friday           2 pm       Bible Society `Open the Book’ Rehearsal
        Saturday  11th  4 pm        Church Social

        Sunday     12th  10.30 am  Morning Worship. Fairtrade Service led
                                    by Anne Squires and Worship
                                    Preparation Group
                         2.30 pm    Big Band & Choir Concert / Church Funds
        Friday     17th  9.30 am    Coffee @ 112
        Friday           2 pm       Bible Society `Open the Book’ Rehearsal

        Sunday     19th  10.30 am  Morning Worship and Holy Communion
                                    led by Martyn Neads
        Monday     20th  2.5 pm     ‘Come and Sing’ everyone welcome
        Tuesday   21st  1.30 pm     ‘CU Tuesday’
        Wed.       22nd 12.30       Soup and Cinema, film from 2 pm
        Friday     24th  9.30 am    Coffee@112
        Friday           2 pm       Bible Society `Open the Book’ Rehearsal

        Sunday     26th  10.30 am  Morning Worship led by Cheryl Osborne
                                    former Salvation Army Officer

        Tuesday   28th  2 pm        Bible Study
        Friday     31st  2 pm       Bible Society `Open the Book’ Rehearsal


        Sunday     2nd  10.30 am  Morning Worship. Joint Service at the
                                    Methodist Church with the Salvation Army
                         7 pm       Café Style Worship led by Lex

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