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Our Vision
† To Worship God, Father Son and Holy Spirit
† To make God’s love known to all people
† To show God’s love by the way we lead our lives
Minister: Link / Outlook
Revd Martyn Neads MARCH 2023
Tel. 01929 475694 4. Pastoral Letter
Mobile 07384 560402
5. Church Meetings
Mission Enabler: 6. Christian Aid Lent Lunches
Lex McKee 7. Wareham, Thoughts on Lent
Swanage 8. Wareham Diary
Administrator: 9. Wareham Preacher’s
Jim Farrer Rota Trusting in God, Graham
01929 42691 11. Blythswood
Treasurer: Traumatic Journey
Book-keeper 12. Earthquake
Martin Barnett 13. Daily Readings 14. Rota, Fund Raising
Hall Lettings: Jim Farrer 15. Swanage Diary 16. Prayer Chain, Traidcraft
Bible Society
Wareham 17. Art Club Choir
Secretary Eldership Team
Janet Jennings 18. Wareham Rota
01929 555108 19. Food Bank, Fire Safety
Hall Lettings: 20. Leprosy Mission
Felicity Roberts 01929 792678 21. Zoom Prayer,
Access to the church:
Sheila Holmes 01929 552806 Wareham Band
22. Hall Bookings
Link Editor Community Lunch
Jim Farrer - 07968 824129 Photos:
Sourced from Freely Christian Clip
Art Canstock Clip Art Library or
Church Family