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P. 4

Dear Friends,

       One of the books on my many shelves is

       entitled, Eggs and ashes, which is described as
       containing ‘practical and liturgical resources for Lent and Holy
       Week.’ In it there is a short liturgy for Shrove Tuesday, that Lenten
       Eve, the day that marks the threshold of fun and festivity before the
       more austere decorum of Lent.

       That liturgy uses a hymn of John Bell and Graham Maule as a
       introductory piece, and it seems to me to be an apt one for the
       beginning of Lent because of how it invites us to follow our Saviour
       into places where we might not seek to go on our own initiative, to
       leave behind things that might distract us from the mission that we
       are called to, and cast aside those things that are no more than a
       burden to our souls.

       This hymn reminds us that we are called to join in the work that
       Jesus has begun. We are not simply to be observers or spectators,
       but we are to be participants, fully playing our part in the mission of
       God. And in playing our part, we have each been given a role and a
       gift. It is imperative that we do not ignore or gift, and neither should
       we seek to hide our gift, for God wants us to use our gifts for the
       building of his Kingdom so that we might bless one another and
       bless the world around us.

          1  Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world
             where strangers might smile or where stones may be hurled;
             come leave what you cling to, lay down what you clutch
             and find, with hands empty, that hearts can hold much.

             Sing hey for the carpenter leaving his tools!
             Sing hey for the pharisees leaving their rules!
             Sing hey for the fishermen leaving their nets!
             Sing hey for the people who leave their regrets!

          2  Come walk in my company, come sleep by my side,
             come savour a lifestyle with nothing to hide;
             come sit at my table and eat with my friends,
             discovering that love which the world never ends.

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