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Christian Aid Lent Lunches 2023
The Lent lunches which raise vital funds for the invaluable work of
Christian Aid worldwide will once again be hosted by
Churches in Swanage.
They will be held on the following dates in different venues:
All Saints Church Hall:
Robbie Burns Lunch Thursday 2 March (see separate notice)
Methodist Hall:
Wednesday 8 March 12:00 – 1:30 pm
St. Mary’s Rectory Classroom:
Friday 17 March 12:00 – 1:30 pm
United Reformed Church:
Wednesday 22 March 12:00 – 1:30 pm *
St. Mark’s Church Room:
Friday 31 March 12:00 – 1:30 pm
*The URC lunch is part of their monthly “Soup and Cinema” event.
All are welcome to the lunch and are invited to stay for the film
which this month will be “Risen”. The film will begin at 2 pm.
Please note the days and dates of these events which differ
from previous years.
Coffee Pot is celebrating the rarely followed tradition of Robbie Burns
Lunch on Thursday, March 2nd at All Saints Church Hall.
Coffee and biscuits will be available with some Scottish music and songs
from 10:30 am then at 11:30 will settle down for Lunch with poetry
readings and history from Swanage Town Crier & associates from Coffee
Pot Drama Team. At 12:00, a bagpiper, Alan Cowie, from Ringwood Pipe
Band will pipe in the Haggis and the traditional prayer & blessing
recited. Following lunch of Haggis, neaps and tatties & pudding - there
will be a demonstration of / participation in Highland Dancing
(Gay Gordons, Barn Dance) by volunteers from the diners to finish at
around 1:30 pm.
The lunch is part of the Lent Lunch programme and is free to all but any
donations made will be collected for Christian Aid. To come and enjoy
(wearing a bit of Tartan) please reserve a ticket from Andrew Fleming
( 01929 422479 or ).Basically the
programme starts with people taking places at 11:30.