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It’s a New Year,
so it’s time to re-start the
Blythswood Shoebox Appeal
We suggest the following items for our February collection for
Blythswood Shoeboxes, although any suitable items are always
Small toys, picture snap cards,
tennis balls, skipping ropes, lego, modelling clay,
dominoes, rubik's cubes,
hair brushes and combs,
Socks and pants - suitable for boys, girls, men, and women
gloves, hats, scarves
The following suggestions have also been made by Ann Coleman.
Charity shops often have suitable items.
Ann makes draw-string bags for toiletries and sewing kits, which is
so convenient for the recipients of the shoeboxes who have
nowhere to store these items.
Ann would also be very appreciative if anyone has any
multi-coloured wool and coloured tape, all widths, for making bags
and aprons ~ as January and February are her months for crafting
these items for SHOEBOXES.
We also need to collect suitable empty shoeboxes this year. The
shops are usually keen to provide them, if requested, so please
remember to ask if you are buying new shoes.
(Or even if you’re not!) Ann and Jim
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Onl Ligh ca d tha .
Hat canno driv ou Hat ;
Onl Lov ca d tha ”
Marti Luthe Kin J