Page 8 - SAF-SPDT Sept 22 - Copy
P. 8

Health, especially mental health, is another problem
                                                               for many of the people SFB assists. Numbers of clients
                                                               have doubled again in the past year and SFB spending
                                                               on food has also doubled.

                                                               So we continue to be grateful for all food and financial
                                                               donations. It has been wonderful to receive fresh
                                                               produce from allotments and gardens - and a one-off
       Swanage, like the rest of the country, has been         gift of 6 boxes of potatoes from the Swanage Carnival
       scorched in July and August, but under the sunny skies  Committee. SFB clients benefit from fresh fruit and
       is the darkening shadow of increased energy and food    veg, bread and dairy as well as tinned and packeted
       costs which will drive many households locally into     items. Many of our neighbours would be under-
       further poverty. Swanage Food Bank has joined with      nourished and under-fed without SFB's assistance.
       other local organisations' representatives, led by
       Wellbeing Swanage to discuss the Cost of Living Crisis  Please keep donations coming - baked beans,
       in our community. Although it has been possible to      breakfast cereals, spreads (savoury and sweet), tinned
       identify 5 areas impacted by rising prices in Swanage -  fish and meat, biscuits and crackers, dried pasta and
       food, housing, energy, travel and leisure - they are so  rice, and all desserts. Every item is appreciated. A
       interconnected that none can be improved in             newcomer to our Team wondered if we should give
       isolation.                                              sweets to families with children as 'not essential
                                                               food'. It's true, they're luxuries, but they give such
       So Swanage Food Bank clients also face soaring gas      pleasure to the young and to their parents who really
       and electricity costs (which SFB can offer limited help  can't afford them. So, if you slip into one of our Food
       to pay) and transport difficulties (which SFB offsets   Bins a packet of sweets or chocolates, think of the
       with Home Deliveries where possible). Leisure           little people you will be delighting. And thank you
       activities in the past have provided employment , but   from Swanage Food Bank for your generosity.
       jobs are often so badly paid that clients consider
       themselves better off on Benefits than in work.         Pauline Werba, Chair SFB

                                                                                       Photograph by Gwenda Yeomans
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