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Swanage & Purbeck

       The Summer Fete – Back At Last!                                        Charitable Incorporated

                            After a two-year absence we were delighted to be able to hold our Summer Fete and Craft
                            Fair on Sandpit Field on Thursday, 11 August. The event was widely publicised, not least
                            by long standing Rotarian Hubert Pierce! (pictured)

                            As most will recall temperatures were very high, but despite this we had a steady flow of
                            visitors enjoying the wide range of stalls and entertainments on offer.

                            The stalls included traditional favourites such as hoopla and tombola together with more
                            recent innovations such as cornhole. In addition to the ever-popular tea tent and BBQ,
                            refreshment options included vegan soups, craft coffee and, of course, ice cream! There were
                            plenty of craft stalls too, including the excellently appointed “Boutique in a Bus”. We were
                            also delighted to host charities including Sustainable Swanage, Planet Purbeck and the

       There was no shortage of entertainment either. Kevin Burke did his magic show to an enthusiastic reception from
       the gathered crowd whilst Jurassic Rock and Roll, all musicians local to the area, rocked the field. The local ukulele
       players URC Ukes and singer Karen G completed the line-up. Sadly, the heat meant the Novelty Dog Show and
       children’s races had to be cancelled though the children’s tent had several enticing activities.

       Towards the end of the afternoon, the Raffle Grand Draw took place, with more than fifteen prizes, many of which
       were kindly donated by Rotary Business Partners and other local organisations. All the profits from the raffle and
       fete will provide valuable funds for many local good causes. We are hugely grateful for all the support we have had
       from Friends of Rotary, Rotary Business Partners and other volunteers including members of the Harmans Cross
       Fete Committee. These events require a great deal of planning and effort and would not be possible without the
       support of the wider community.
       Chris Le Fevre, President, Swanage and Purbeck Rotary

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