Page 5 - SAF-SPDT Sept 22 - Copy
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Latest news from

         Friends of Wareham Hospital

       What a lovely time we had at our Garden Party in
       the hospital grounds on Saturday 2 July.
                                                               We would warmly welcome you to our Annual
       The weather was not the best but it did not stop us     General Meeting if you’d like to join us:
       attracting a good number who enjoyed a cream tea,
       lovely cakes and helped us to raise over £1400                  Friends of Wareham Hospital AGM
       which will be used to support hospital services.                   Monday 26th September 7pm

       We were delighted to welcome Cllr. Malcolm                       at the Masonic Hall in Wareham
       Russell, Mayor of Wareham who spoke warmly               We are hoping to be joined by a Senior Manager
       about the hospital. He was joined by Jacquie Hall,      from Dorset Healthcare having asked for news of
       Wareham Town Crier (and a Friends Committee             the proposals for Wareham Hospital now that we
                                                               know the Community Hub plans have been
       We were very pleased to have support from               scrapped.
       members of the Swanage Hospital Friends and from        If you would like to hear more about the hospital /
       Wareham and Swanage & Purbeck Rotary clubs -            Purbeck Community Services please do consider
       Working together to the benefit of us all in the        joining the Friends. We can be contacted through
       Purbeck area was an added joy and bonus.
                                                               the hospital 01929 557550 or by email
       Our raffle was very successful; our thanks going to
       Cora Best who liaised with many local businesses /      Maggie Hardy Friends Chair
       organisations who kindly and generously donated
       wonderful prizes - thank you to all.                    Charity No.252073
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